
Share / Import plugins

Looking to share plugins or import shared plugins? This guide will provide the easiest steps to do so.

Share a plugin

Share as URL and JSON

  1. Open Plugins
  1. Click on the β€œShare” button on the top right corner of the plugin (under the three dots menu).
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  1. There will be 2 options to share your plugins:
  • Share via a unique URL
  • Share as JSON
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  1. Simply copy the generated link/JSON file and share

Share via GitHub

To share a plugin via GitHub (check this repo as an example):
  1. Create a public repo on GitHub
  1. Create 3 files: README.md , implementation.js and plugin.json:
      • README.md: plugin overview
      • implementation.js: this file contains the JS code, it is only required if you use Javascript code implementation. It must contain a function with the name as same as the id in plugin.json file
      • plugin.json: a JSON file containing all configs of the plugin, please check this guide to understand more. It has the following properties:
        • version: number, for other users to notice to update
        • uuid: string, this is the unique id to distinguish plugins
        • iconURL: string
        • emoji: string, this will be used if iconURL is not available
        • title: string, the displayed name of the plugin
        • userSettings: JSON string, check details in this guide
        • openaiSpec: JSON string, check details in this guide
        • implementationType: string, "http" or "javascript"
        • httpAction: JSON string, required if the implementation is HTTP, check details in this guide
          • id: string, uuid preferred
          • method: string, the request method
          • url: string
          • hasHeaders: boolean
          • requestHeaders: JSON, required if hasHeaders is true
          • hasBody: boolean
          • requestBody: JSON, required if hasBody is true
          • requestBodyFormat: string, "json" or "form-data"
          • hasResultTransform: boolean
          • resultTransform: object, required if hasResultTransform is true, its shape is either of these:
          • json
            { "engine": "handlebars", "templateString": "string template value" }
            { "engine": "jmes", "expression": "string expression value" }
          • outputType: string, "render_markdown" or "respond_to_ai" or "render_html"
  1. Get the GitHub repo link to share, for example: https://github.com/TypingMind/stable-diffusion-v2-image

Import a shared plugin

Find a plugin you'd like to use? Import it with these easy steps:

Import a plugin via URL

To import a plugin using its URL, follow these steps:
  1. Open Plugins
  1. Click on the β€œImport plugins” button.
  1. Paste the plugin URL into the designated field to import the plugin.
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Import a plugin via GitHub URL

To import a plugin using its URL, follow these steps:
  1. Open Plugins
  1. Click on the β€œImport plugins” button.
  1. Paste the plugin Github URL into the designated field to import the plugin.
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Import a plugin from a private GitHub repo

  1. Generate a new GitHub personal access token (https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta). There are 2 types of tokens:
    1. Fine-grained token (Recommended): Select that private repo and set Contents permission to Read-only
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      b. Classic token: select the scope repo
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  1. Attach the query ?token=[the-generated-token] to the URL, for example: https://github.com/TypingMind/plugin-stable-diffusion-v2-image?token=github_pat_xxxxxx

Import via JSON file

  • Create new plugin
  • Choose Import plugin from JSON
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Direct Plugin Import

Another way of importing a shared plugin is to use a direct import. Here's how:
  1. Click on the shared plugin link that you've received.
  1. Click the β€œImport to TypingMind” button to import to the app and use it effortlessly
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