Experiencing issues with our app? Below, you'll find some common issues and our suggested solutions to help you resolve them quickly.
Last updated: 19 Mar, 2024

1. OpenAI API Issues

API Key Not Working?

Your API key is not working. You need aΒ paid API accountΒ on OpenAI in order to use the ChatGPT API Key (the free trial won't work). To verify that you have a paid API account, go here and make sure you have your billing info added:Β https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview. Note that youΒ do notΒ need to have a ChatGPT Plus subscription, it'sΒ not needed. If you already have a paid OpenAI account, check to see if you still have sufficient credits. Also, try creating a new API key and trying again. If this problem persists, please contact support.
Reason: Issue with your OpenAI API account - Ensure you have aΒ paid OpenAI accountΒ (do not need a ChatGPT Plus subscription since OpenAI API and ChatGPT Plus are billed separately.
Solution: Please go to https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview to set up your prepaid billing.

Unable to access GPT-4

Sorry, OpenAI has rejected your request. Here is the error message from OpenAI: The model `gpt-4` does not exist or you do not have access to it. Learn more:Β https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7102672-how-can-i-access-gpt-4.
Reason: Seems your OpenAI credit balance has been run out.
Solution: Please go to https://platform.openai.com/account/billing/overview to add extra credit to your OpenAI account.

Exceeded Quota (Error Code 429)

Error Code 429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.
Solution: Please check out the article provided by OpenAI and try their solutions to see if it works:Β https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6891831-error-code-429-you-exceeded-your-current-quota-please-check-your-plan-and-billing-details

No such organization error

Sorry, OpenAI has rejected your request. Here is the error message from OpenAI: No such organization: sk-….
Reason: This error usually occurs if an API key is incorrectly entered as an organization ID
  • If your API Key doesn't tie to any organization, then just remove your API key and leave it empty as following screenshot:
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2. Claude API

β€œCould not connect to Anthropic API. Please try again later. Error code:400”
Reason: This issue may appear when your credit balance is too low to access the Claude API.
Solution: Please check and add your credit balance at https://console.anthropic.com/settings/plans
Since the reason for this issue may vary, please contact support@typingmind.com if you believe the suggested reason above is not the root cause of your issue.

3. OpenRouter models

Invalid API key. Please check your API key and try again.
Solution: Please check your OpenRouter credit balance at https://openrouter.ai/account#credits?
If the credit balance is too low, please top up your credit balance to continue using the app with OpenRouter models.

4. Use Custom Models

Something went wrong. This could be a temporary network connection issue. Please try again or contact support. Opening the console might help clarifying the issue. Technical details: {"object":"error","message":{"detail":[{"type":"extra_forbidden","loc":["body","presence_penalty"],"msg":"Extra inputs are not permitted","input":0,"url":"https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.5/v/extra_forbidden"},{"type":"extra_forbidden","loc":["body","frequency_penalty"],"msg":"Extra inputs are notpermitted","input":0,"url":"https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.5/v/extra_forbidden"}]},"type":"invalid_request_error","param":null,"code":null}
The custom model doesn’t support parameters >> Reset all parameter to the default value and try again

5. Plugins


  1. Invalid resolution
Error: Invalid resolution setting. Please check your settings.
Reason: Wrong resolution settings,
Solution: please go to Dall-E settings and change the resolution to the correct format. It should be 1024x1024 instead of 1024:1024 or 1024 x 1024
  1. Failed to fetch
Error: Failed to fetch
Reason: Possibly due to one of your extensions.
Solution: Please turn off all extensions and try again to see if it works.
  1. Invalid OpenAI API key
Error: Invalid OpenAI API Key. Please check your settings.
Reason: No OpenAI API Key provided in Dall-E 3 settings
Solution: Open Dall-E 3 plugin setting and enter your OpenAI API Key again

Web Search

Error: Missing Web Search plugin configurations. Please open the Web Search plugin setting page and enter your custom Search Engine ID and API key.
Web Search settings are not configured properly. Please follow the steps in this article to set up Web search on TypingMind:

Web Page Reader

Missing plugin server URL. Please set it in the plugin settings.
You haven’t set up the Plugin server for Web Page Reader plugin yet. Please follow the guidelines here to set up:
πŸ”˜Set up Web Page Reader

6. Account / Data Management

License key reached activation limit

This license key has reached the activation limit
By default, you have the limit of 5 activations, if you reach this limit, you can go toΒ typingmind.com/licenseΒ with your purchase email to deactivate your old activations.
*Your activations are not counted based on the number of devices but on the number of times you enter your license key and activate it.

All conversations lost, License key and API key not saving?

Please refer to the article at https://docs.typingmind.com/troubleshooting/license-key-and-api-key-not-saving for more detailed guidelines.

7. AI Outputs

Your response is cut off or incomplete.

Solution: If you encounter the issue that your response is cut off or incomplete, please check the Max token setting and increase this setting to a higher value:
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The AI response generates nonsensical words / get nonsense response

Reason: If your AI response generates nonsensical words or poorly formatted., there’s a high potential that the AI model is hallucinated.
Solution: Please adjust the Temperature settings to the default value and try again. (Open Model Settings > Advanced Model Parameters > click β€œReset to default” for the Temperature parameter)
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8. Export / Import files

Unsupported format when importing OpenAI chats

It appears that the OpenAI chats you are trying to import into TypingMind are not in a format compatible with the app.

9. Issues on SetApp/MacApp

Set up custom models

Unable to use API. Error message: Load failed
If you're experiencing issues exclusively on the Mac App despite following our documentation and successfully using the Web App, this may be caused by Apple's security policy that blocksΒ httpΒ requests. To connect using the macOS app, you must set up HTTPS.
This requirement can be addressed through various methods, such as setting up aΒ local HTTPS proxy.

Audio Input

Sorry, audio input is not yet supported on your device/browser.
This is a known issue on MacApp.
Voice input is currently unsupported on the MacApp. We will find the optimal way to update the app with this option real soon!

Contact us

If you continue to face difficulties or believe your issue is unrelated to the above suggestions, please contact us atΒ support@typingmind.comΒ with the following information for better assistance:
  • Where did you encounter the issue? (MacApp, SetApp, Web App, or Self-hosted App)
  • Does the issue happen all the time or only sometimes by random?
  • Does the issue happen on all devices/browsers or only on some specific device/browser?
  • Please outline the steps that led to the issue, and if possible, include a screen recording.
This information will significantly help our technical team in identifying the root cause and implementing a timely solution.