We take our responsibility to protect the data of our customers very seriously. Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018. This broad reaching regulation is designed to ensure the privacy, security, and confidentiality of data.

Terms of Service

Please refer to our Terms of Service to learn more about our responsibilities towards our users and their data, and reiterate our commitment towards transparency of our practices.

Privacy Policy

We have clearly outlined in our Privacy Policy the ways we collect, use, process and share personal information. Our Privacy Policy outlines how you can exercise your rights to any personal data that you share with us, and we will always respect your choice to receive or opt-out from communications with us. More details can be found in our Privacy Policy.
You can always submit a request to us to review, edit, or delete your Personal Information please contact us by submitting an support ticket if you are a current user.

Data Processing Agreement

You can read the Data Processing Agreement here.