

Generative AI is transforming how businesses work around the world.
TypingMind helps businesses by providing an AI chat portal where everyone in the company can access the latest generative AI models via a unified and secure chat interface. With the help of AI, teams can deliver more output faster, increasing productivity.
We need help from Resell Partners to distribute TypingMind to more businesses, especially in local markets where businesses donโ€™t have much context into the latest generative AI technologies.
Our Reseller Program is designed to be profitable for all parties involved. We have successful reselling partners worldwide: Germany, Canada, Thailand, and more soon.

Why you should become a reseller partner with TypingMind

  • We are the industry-leading company in providing internal AI chat portals for business use cases.
  • Our pricing and commission structure is flexible and designed to be profitable for you.
  • We support all top AI models (GPT4 from OpenAI, Claude from Anthropic, Gemini from Google, and more).
  • Our software is the most comprehensive and flexible on the market, as reviewed by customers on TrustPilot, G2, and Capterra.
  • Our software can be customized for many types of use cases, businesses, and industries. Integrations are possible with well-documented APIs
  • We have a strong security and privacy practice regarding customer data.
  • We provide dedicated technical and product support for our partners.
  • We offer flexible hosting options: cloud host on our data center (US and EU) or self-host on customer infrastructure.
  • Option to white-label the TypingMind software under your brand.


You will be a good fit for the Reseller Program if (the more points apply, the better):
  • You have experience in the local market and access to the local businesses.
  • You understand generative AI and the current related techs: prompt engineering, building AI agents, and integrating with other systems to enhance AI output like RAG, plugins, API, etc.
  • You have a good understanding of the TypingMind system and its features.
  • You can provide added value services on top of TypingMind for the business. For example:
    • Provide AI consulting
    • Help businesses leverage generative AI in their specific domain or workflow
    • Help build a library of prompts and AI agents
    • Help businesses manage and integrate with their internal data for better AI output
    • Educate business employees on how to use AI in their day-to-day tasks using TypingMind system
  • You are optimistic and passionate about AI and want to bring the benefits of AI to help local businesses.

How the Reseller Program works

Here is an overview of the Reseller Program. In the later sections of this document, each point will be discussed in more detail.
  1. You do your own research about TypingMind and the Reseller Program, then apply if you think you are a good fit.
  1. Get in touch with our team so we understand each otherโ€™s details.
  1. We agree on the workflow, pricing, payments, and other details.
  1. You will get access to a partnership account where you can create demo instances on our cloud and use the demo instances for marketing/sales efforts.
  1. You onboard new customers to the system and get paid based on our agreed payment agreement.
  1. Keep in touch with customers for support and feedback (depending on our agreement).

Understand the target customers

We prefer to approach customers who fit the following profiles:
  • Businesses of all sizes (from SMBs to enterprises)
  • Universities or schools
You can propose TypingMind to other groups of customers but please discuss with us first to see if it is the good fit.


To avoid confusion between actors involved in this partnership, we will agree on the following terms:
  • Software provider: this is us, TypingMind (company name: Devuap LLC), can also be referred as โ€œtechnical partnerโ€ or โ€œsoftware manufacturerโ€. We build and maintain the software, push out updates and take feature requests from customers.
  • Reseller/Agency: this is you. You help distribute and implement TypingMind to businesses in your local market.
  • Customers: the companies or universities who will pay for the product.
  • End-users: employees or students who will use the TypingMind product. Some end-users may get elected to Admin roles where they can manage the TypingMind Admin Panel. Admin users can add/remove members, customize the TypingMind instance, create shared prompts and AI agents, connect training data, and perform other administrator tasks in the TypingMind product.

About TypingMind and why businesses should use it

Generative AI has many applications and is already changing the way people work.
TypingMind brings generative AI to businesses via a powerful and flexible AI chat portal, giving them the tools they need for all their AI needs.

Marketing materials

Please refer to our marketing website at https://custom.typingmind.com for the latest marketing materials about what TypingMind can and cannot do.

AI providers

Itโ€™s important to note that TypingMind does not offer generative AI services. TypingMind connects to the AI providers and provides a unified interface to communicate with the AI.
The customers must choose their own AI provider and pay for the AI usage separately. They can connect to multiple AI providers at the same time.
The most popular generative AI providers are:
  • GPT-4 from OpenAI (or via Azure OpenAI)
  • Claude from Anthropic (or via AWS Bedrock)
  • Gemini from Google
  • Other open-source models (MistralAI, Perplexity, etc.)
TypingMind can connect to any AI model that has a compatible API.

User guides and documentation

All user documentation is hosted online at https://docs.typingmind.com/. Links to the guides are embedded in various places in the TypingMind product for easy access.
We donโ€™t provide custom-hosted user guides. If you want to host a separate user guide for your customers, you can add custom URLs to your documents in the Admin panel.

Choose a Partnership Structure

The partnership structure can be flexible. Depends on the level of engagement you want to be involved in. Here are the factors:

Resell Type: Seat vs. Instance

Choose which type of reselling you want to go with.
Seat resell means you create one instance under your brand and then sell the seat license to your customers. Your customers can only access the end-user interface, not the Admin panel.
Instance resell means you create a private instance for each of your customers, then give them access to the Admin panel and let them customize the instance for their company.


Choose how your customers will see the product.
Option 1 โ€“ Branded Instance: You will advertise the TypingMind product under your brand name with a disclosure that TypingMind is a technical partner or software manufacturer. Your customers will see the TypingMind product name licensed with your brand in a badge in the admin panel. For example, if your brand is โ€œSmatr Agencyโ€, the customer will see โ€œTypingMind - Licensed by Smatr Agencyโ€ in the admin panel.
Option 2 โ€“ Unbranded Instance: You will advertise the TypingMind product as it is, provided by TypingMind team, distributed by you.

Customer support

Option 1 โ€“ Included: (For Branded instances) you will provide basic customer support for things like billing, payments, general product questions, etc. The TypingMind team will help you with other support requests like technical questions, bugs, or feature requests, this will be done via our private support channel.
Option 2 โ€“ Not included: (For Unbranded instances) your customers will contact the TypingMind team directly with any customer support requests.

AI Providers and API Cost

Choose who will pay for the AI providers.
Option 1 โ€“ Reseller pay: you pay for the AI providers and use your API key to set up the instance for your customer. This means you will need an account at OpenAI, Anthropic, or Google AI.
Option 2 โ€“ Customer pay: you only help the customer set up the instance, then the customer will use their own API keys and pay the AI providers directly.


Choose where to deploy your instance. TypingMind supports deployments in the following ways:
  • Cloud host (recommended): our cloud environment is hosted in two data centers: the US (Virginia) and EU (Frankfurt). Customers can choose to host their data on our cloud host for maximum convenience and enjoy seamless software updates
  • Self-host on customerโ€™s infrastructure: TypingMind can be deployed to the customersโ€™ infrastructure. This requires a technical team to set up and maintain continuously. The self-host version comes with much more limitations. More information about the self-host version is available at https://custom.typingmind.com/self-host
  • Self-host on your infrastructure: You can host TypingMind privately on your infrastructure and then provide access to your customers from there. In this model, you have the responsibility to host and protect your customersโ€™ data. You will need a technical team to set up and maintain the self-host system.
We always recommend that customers host their instances in our cloud environment when possible. It is easier to deliver software updates and provide customer support on our cloud. We have industry-standard security and privacy policies to ensure customersโ€™ data is safe.

Payment flow

Choose how you want to get paid.
Option 1 โ€“ paid by customers: You buy the license from TypingMind first, then resell the license to your customer at a markup price based on your added-value service. In this case, your customers will pay you directly.
Option 2 โ€“ paid by TypingMind: Your customers will pay TypingMind directly, then TypingMind will deduct the commission and pay you. If you choose this option, we will discuss the details of the commission separately.

Product content

Choose how to create the content for the customers. Content includes things like prompts, AI agents, plugins, integrated training data, etc.
Option 1 โ€“ customer create: You let the customer create the content by themself using TypingMind available docs.
Option 2 โ€“ reseller create: You offer AI consultants for your customers, understand their business and workflows, and then propose suitable content and training to help them leverage AI in their day-to-day tasks.


Below are some examples from our working history with partners:
Partnership Structure
Resell Type
Customer Support
API Cost
Payment flow
Product content
Example 1
Both seat and instance resell
Reseller pay
Cloud host
Paid by customers
Reseller create
Example 2
Seat Resell
Customer pay
Self-host on reseller infra
Paid by customers
Customer create

Feature requests from customers

Please forward all feature requests and feedback from your customers to us. Weโ€™re happy to evaluate and add those features to our roadmap.
Our public roadmap is available online at https://typingmind.com/ideas (note that this is a public roadmap; we have a private roadmap that we donโ€™t share publicly).

General guidelines when communicating with customers

  • Generative AI does not solve all the problems. We trust you to have the knowledge and understanding of generative AI to advise your customers truthfully and provide practical use cases of generative AI in your customerโ€™s workflow.
  • The TypingMind product does not have all the features in the world. For feature requests from the customers, please discuss with us so we can evaluate and put the features on our roadmap. Please donโ€™t promise a specific ETA for any feature that the customer requests.
  • Discuss with us if you are in doubt about anything related to the product.

Region of Operation

You are only allowed to approach customers from your designated geographic location based on our agreement. This policy is to make sure we donโ€™t have unnecessary competition in markets where TypingMind already has a presence.
Over time, we will evaluate the effectiveness of our partnership. If things are going well, we can sign an exclusive agreement and grant you exclusive access to the designated market.

User Content Intellectual Property

All content created inside the TypingMind product belongs to the creator of the content. We donโ€™t claim the copyright of the content created. For example, prompts, AI agents, or training data uploaded to the system. TypingMind retains the right to use the content for the sole purpose of providing the service.


You can sign up for the Reseller Program here: https://custom.typingmind.com/reseller-signup

Other questions

If you still have questions about the Reseller Program, please contact us at support@typingmind.com, we are happy to help!